Sunday, August 18, 2013

End Notes

This, the final entry in the Mayo Clinic Adventure blog, is exciting to write.  In summary, Leslie does NOT have MS.  She has Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea.  She also has RLS.  Both of these conditions are treatable.

For her sleep apnea, she has a breathing machine that helps her get the best sleep she has had in a long time.  The RLS is managed with medication and when she takes it according to plan, things go well for her.

There were some highlights of our trip like getting to spend some quality "alone time" together.  Also, getting to see relatives and new sights.  Overall it was a good trip.  We are glad we were able to get answers.  Too bad we had to go all the way to Mayo to get them. 

Thanks to all of you for your support, prayers, support and prayers. 

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