Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Good News and Other News

This morning we woke up and took advantage of the free breakfast at our hotel.  We then got ready for our day.  We decided to go over to Mayo and scope it out and see what it was all about.  The place his bigger than we thought.  We walked around and walked and walked.  I suggested that we go up to the area where Leslie's appointment was.  When we got off the elevator she was so nervous and scared that she wanted to leave, so we left.

As we were later relaxing in our hotel room, she received a cal from Mayo asking her to come in right then for her appointments.  To keep a long story short, she does NOT have MS.  YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAAAA!  That's the good news.

The other news is that both neurologists who saw Leslie, believe that she has a severe sleep disorder.  Now, all of our appointments and diagnosis work will be toward that.

We will keep you posted!

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