Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Life of a Checker

Since the neurology department said that Leslie does not have MS (Thank God!), they thought that she may have a severe sleep disorder.  "A sleep disorder with symptoms as severe as what Leslie has experienced?", you may ask.  Yes.  Apparently, there are varying degrees of sleep disorders and to get the symptoms that Leslie has been having, her case must be severe.

On Friday, we started our new career as checkers.  What that means is that we have to go to the Sleep Disorder center at 7:30am and check in.  If there is a cancellation or someone does not show up by 11:15am then they may call our name and we get in to see a specialist.  At 11:15am, we are free to go have lunch and go back to our hotel to rest but we need to be back to the clinic by 1:30pm.  We sign in again and hope that there is a no show.

On Friday, we got there as soon as we could in the morning and waited and waited.  Leslie passed the time playing on her i-pad and I passed the time watching Netflix on my nook tablet.  Mayo has free wi-fi.  In the morning session, we did not get called. And were dismissed at 11:30am for lunch. 

We were back there at 1:15pm to wait for our chance.  At 2:15pm, our name was called.  We were so excited!  When we got to the desk, we were told that all of the PM appointment people showed up and we were sent back. 

We are already on the list for 7:30am Monday morning.  Can't wait!

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